Pregnancy Helpline

”Healthy Baby Helpline” 1-800-986-2229
Many young people don’t realize that marriage is really an option in a crisis pregnancy. Couples that marry because of a crisis pregnancy often enjoy a great deal of happiness.
So don’t rule out the possibility of marriage even if everyone else seems to think it’s not a good idea. Getting married means that your baby has the benefit of a two parent family.
In cases of separation, mothers who were married are often more successful in establishing child support and paternal grandparent involvement than the non-married.
Of course marriage requires that both individuals want to be joined in this union. At our center we can help both you and the father of your baby understand this option and the benefits it can bring to both your lives.

Need help?
In the United States: 877-777-1277 (toll free) You’re not alone.
The Sisters of Life are uniquely prepared to assist pregnant women in need of practical assistance, and are eager to listen to you, your hopes and your struggles.
Please contact through their Visitation Mission, or take the first step and call now. In Canada: 877-543-3380 [toll free]
”Healthy Baby Helpline” 1-800-986-2229

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